
Showing posts from tagged with: Air vein burners

Development of an air vein burner for the candy sector

Posted on: 16 / 06 / 2022 | 0 Comentarios

E&M Combustion develops a JVA air vein burner for the candy sector. Today we participate in the sweetest industry, confectionery, with the implementation of drying equipment in a production line in the candy sector.  

Supply of an air vein burner for the paint industry

Posted on: 21 / 02 / 2022 | 0 Comentarios

E&M Combustion has carried out the design and supply of an air vein burner for the paint industry, where it will operate in the process of the company's production lines.  

Air vein burners for a paint drying process line

Posted on: 25 / 06 / 2021 | 0 Comentarios

E&M Combustión completes the installation of air vein burners in a drying process line for the treatment of paint in a metal furniture production plant. The air vein burners installed in this drying process at the factory located in Valencia are installed in paint booths, and are intended to improve the finish of the product.  

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