Studies on energy saving in order to assess the return on the investment made by installing more efficient burners
Studies on energy saving and lower emissions
Consistent with E&M Combustion’s remit to design increasingly more efficient industrial burners and combustion systems, we place ourselves at the customer’s disposal for conducting audits on how for energy saving at those plants with combustion equipment.
E&M Combustion performs studies on energy saving in order to assess the return on the investment made by installing more efficient burners, as well as equipment for optimising combustion, frequency adjusters for fans, etc. with no commitment on the customer’s part.
Training and advising
We provide our customers with specific advice through our technicians in the field who understand each project’s requirements. Then we deliver a payment plan for the combustion equipment that in most cases tends to come as a very pleasant surprise.
Record a lower level of emissions
In addition, we provide our customers with our Low NOx technology in order to overhaul and modify their combustion systems so as to record a lower level of emissions, as social awareness of the need to protect and preserve the environment has now become an unavoidable challenge.