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Showing posts from tagged with: combustión
Flue Gas Recirculation and other methods for a clean environment
Posted on: 24 / 02 / 2016 | 0 Comentarios
Flue gas recirculation is used mainly to reduce the NO (nitric oxide) content in the exhaust gases from thermal combustion processes -as the use from industrial burners-, and which is referred to more broadly as NOx.
E&M Combustion power its burners manufacturing strategy
Posted on: 26 / 10 / 2015 | 0 Comentarios
E & M Combustion has proceeded to power its burners manufacturing strategy by expanding its production hall in Vizcaya, with an additional area of 1,000 square meters. The new burner manufacturing area is equipped with a laser machine of 4 x 2 meters and a cylinder for bending sheet metal. It also incorporates the installation of new more efficient welding machines, a new crane and vertical drilling system.
Contracts for power plants in Peru, Mexico, Egypt and South Africa
Posted on: 23 / 02 / 2015 | 0 Comentarios
E & M Combustion has been awarded four new contracts for the supply of burners for power plants of Peru, Mexico, Egypt and South Africa. The delivery of these units for power generation plants will occur in stages over the next few months for implementation throughout the summer.