
Air vein burners for a paint drying process line

Posted on: 25 / 06 / 2021 | 0 Comentarios | Tags: , , , , ,

E&M Combustión completes the installation of air vein burners in a drying process line for the treatment of paint in a metal furniture production plant. The air vein burners installed in this drying process at the factory located in Valencia are installed in paint booths, and are intended to improve the finish of the product.
Air vein burner - Drying process line - Paint lines - E&M Combustion Drying process line - Paint booths - Air Vein Burner

A drying process line, such as the paint booths, is a good example of the application of air vein burners. These combustion equipment are used in multiple applications when there is direct heating, such as in the case of painting lines, the ceramic and glass industry, the food industry for drying products or process air recirculation facilities.

At the Valencia facility, the equipment installed by E&M Combustión in paint booths will be used to treat metal furniture surfaces, so that the applied paint can be painted and dried properly.

Characeristics of Air Vein Burners

Air vein burners have multiple applications within the industrial combustion sector. They are used in those processes that require direct heating, that is, there is a mixture of products from combustion with primary air. They have a high modulation range (approximately 1/20) and suppress the combustion chambers.

For the aforementioned applications (painting lines, ceramic industry, drying in agri-food, etc.), the air vein burners present a series of advantages over conventional ones, since they are well adapted to working in dusty and high-temperature environments, they maintain very stable flames and easy maintenance and operation.

 Description of components


Air vein burners - Drying process lines - E&M Combustion



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