
Showing posts from tagged with: thermal plant

Modernization of the Pljevlja thermal power plant in Montenegro

Posted on: 03 / 06 / 2024 | 0 Comentarios

The Spanish company E&M Combustion participates in the modernization of the only existing thermal power plant in Montenegro, located in Pljevlja. The work of Artea thermal engineering company consists of the supply of two combustion systems for the auxiliary boilers of the thermal installation, which will be responsible for cleaning the turbine.  

New pellet burner and containerized power plant

Posted on: 09 / 12 / 2014 | 0 Comentarios

Pellet burner at Expobiomasa ValladolidE & M Combustion has been very successful in Expobiomasa Fair, held between 21 and 23 October in Valladolid, where it introduced two innovations in this field: the new pellet burner JBP as well as a containerized power plant for steam generation using fuel wood biomass.  

E&M Combustión awarded a contract for the thermal plant in Suez (Egypt)

Posted on: 19 / 06 / 2014 | 0 Comentarios

Combined Cycled Thermal Plant | Suez | Gasoil BurnerE&M Combustión has been awarded a contract for the installation of a 40 MW burner at the combined cycle thermal plant in Suez, Egypt. This equipment will be of the type of gasoil burner.  

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