
Burner JBD, designed and manufactured by E&M Combustion

Posted on: 17 / 10 / 2017 | 0 Comentarios | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Burner JBD | Industrial Burners | E & M CombustionBurner JBD designed and manufactured by E & M Combustion. Burners prepared to overcome high combustion chamber overpressures. The JBD duoblock burners are manufactured between 1,000 and 85,000 KW and are used with all types of liquid and gaseous fuels.

The standard range includes burners for traditional fuels such as gas oil, natural gas and G.L.P., fuel oil and mixed burners that use gas-oil and gas-fuel-oil. E & M Combustion also performs special combustion equipment for the burning of biogas, recycled oils and other types of alternative fuels.

Among the main characteristics of the burner JBD are its innovation in design, as well as the low NOx emissions and the double air register that they use.

E & M Combustion designs burners JBD to obtain different lengths and shapes of flame depending on the adjustment of the air registers and the manufacture of different types of heads, so that it manufactures equipment with flames that adapt to different homes or combustion chambers.

Another advantage of the JBD burners is the regulation from standard electronic controllers that allow the use of frequency inverters for the regulation of the fan and 02 probes. Optionally, the combustion equipment can use 10 “screens with a specific software for the monitoring and control of the burner. They allow telemanagement and remote control via Ethernet or from P.L.Cs.



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