
E&M Combustion installs ultra “Low NOx” burners at the DAMM factory in Portugal

Posted on: 11 / 11 / 2019 | 0 Comentarios | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

E&M Combustion, engineering company specialized in the development of Combustion Technologies for the industrial sector, has installed two “Ultra Low NOx” Burners at the DAMM factory in the town of Santarem, Portugal, with the objective of mitigating the environmental impact of the plant and adapt it to the new regulation.

Low NOx Burners at the DAMM plant in Portugal | E&M Combustion

The Ultra Low NOx burners provided by E&M Combustion is part of an energy sustainability project and it has managed to reduce atmospheric emissions below 80 milligrams per cubic meter, even without the need to apply a Flue Gas Recirculation system (FGR) or any other complementary method. Precisely in January of this year, the new regulations have become more restrictive, limiting the emissions of the new combustion equipment to 100 milligrams per cubic meter. 

The industrial burners designed and manufactured by E&M Combustion for the Atenea Combustion project correspond to the JBD 17000 G model, and will operate with natural gas as fuel. They are mounted in two boilers of the industrial boiler manufacturer Sincal, and will have a steam production of 20,000 kilograms / hour at 11 bar maximum pressure. For its part, the company Integral Combustion Solutions has been responsible for carrying out the commissioning of the installation.   

Burners with reduced emissions

E&M Combustion works in the realization of increasingly energy efficient combustion equipment, through the development of R & D & I projects and the creation of innovative prototypes, and the agile adaptation of its designs to the needs of the client. The ultimate goal is to always seek the highest energy efficiency and the lowest level of polluting emissions.

In order to improve energy efficiency of its customers, the company conducts audits and studies of energy savings in plants that incorporate combustion equipment and industrial burners. The studies allow evaluating the return on investment through the installation of more efficient industrial burners, as well as combustion optimization equipment and frequency inverters for fans, among others. 

The company makes available to the client its Low NOx technology to be able to carry out the reconversion and modification of its combustion systems by others with lower emissions. Because social awareness around the protection and conservation of the environment has become a challenge. 

E&M Combustion

E&M Combustión is a combustion engineering company created in 2004, located in the Biscayne area of Bildosola, Artea (Spain). It specializes in the development of innovative technologies to add value to its customers. Their equipment records low pollutant emissions and are adapted to the needs of their customers, thus allowing greater energy efficiency. The company works primarily in the energy, petrochemical, oil and gas and food and beverage industry sectors. E&M Combustion is present with its equipment implanted in more than 30 countries and allocates more than 70% of its production for export.



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