
E&M Combustion reactivates the normal manufacturing at the plant

Posted on: 24 / 04 / 2020 | 0 Comentarios | Tags: , , , , , , ,

E&M Combustion reactivates the normal manufacturing of the plant. The company continues to work with all the energy and passion that characterizes it in the development of technological projects that improve people’s lives and optimize the energy efficiency of combustion installations: Heat and Steam Generation.

“We continue to work normally in our Artea plant, after having adapted the protocols and security measures necessary to preserve the health and safety of our people against the Covid-19. At the same time we have adapted so that the people of our team can telework in activities that do not require physical presence in our facilities. We thus maintain our company philosophy of promoting the family reconciliation policies of our workers, “says Iñigo Béjar, CEO of the company.

Reactivation of the normal manufacturing at the plant | E&M Combustion | Industrial Burners

Manufacturing activity continues

“At E&M Combustión we want to send a message of calm to our clients, especially our clients in distant countries, and to inform them that, after a few days of pause to adapt us to new situation created by Covid-19, we have reactivated normal manufacturing in our plant, to reach full production since May. Likewise, we continue to meet the delivery just in time for the combustion equipment to which we had commited that we designed and manufactured in our plant. “

Reactivation of the normal manufacturing of the plant | Industrial Burners

Heat and Steam Generation Systems, battle against climate change

The company wants to take the opportunity to send a message of hope in the battle against the coronavirus. “We are convinced that together we will be able to overcome the Covid-19 attack on the global community, as well as the pending combats against climate change, which is shaping up to be the next battle to be waged collectively.

The challenge of keeping our civilization advanced, with our lifestyle full of prosperity and well-being, will soon have to resume the fight against climate change, one of the great challenges that has threatened the planet in recent times.   

Industrial Burners E&M Combustion 

The answer to this global environmental challenge will depend on the collective contribution of all the agents. At E&M Combustion we do our bit by developing the latest generation of combustion equipment, which enables high energy efficiency and reduces CO2 and NOx emissions in the heat and steam generation processes. Our R&D department continues to investigate with determination to continue increasing this reduction in emissions produced by daily process activities

We want to expressly thank the human team of E&M Combustion for their effort to maintain normal plant production and support services, as well as our suppliers and customers who entrust us with the technological improvements of their plants to become more competitive, reduce consumption of energy and minimize emissions from industrial activity. 

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