
Development of pellet burners

Posted on: 14 / 05 / 2014 | 0 Comentarios | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Pellets burners E&M CombustionDevelopment of pellet burners. E & M Combustion has installed the first prototype of a modulating pellets industrial burner in a laundry in Zamora (Spain), with satisfactory results. The burner is mounted on a 750 kg/h conventional steam boiler and operates in a 1:8 modulation range with low emissions levels.

Development of pellet burners. E & M Combustion will perform the final testing and certifications of the pellet burners at the LITEC Combustion Research centre in Zaragoza in the coming months, with its market launch scheduled for 2014.

E & M Combustion aim is to create a range of high performance industrial burners with alternative biomass fuels, such as pellets, which can be used in traditional boilers without the need for modifying them in any way.

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