
Showing posts from tagged with: Burner JBM-HP

E & M Combustion consolidates its market diversification plan with new contracts

Posted on: 25 / 01 / 2019 | 0 Comentarios

Vicky López. EMPRESA XXI. E & M Combustion has intensified its international presence in countries of Southeast Asia and Mexico, with new contracts for the supply of burners. In México, a NEC burner is being commissioned at the 265 MW AT3 cogeneration plant that Abengoa starts up in the state of Tabasco, which will simultaneously obtain electricity and thermal energy. 


Burner for a District Heating in Serbia

Posted on: 13 / 01 / 2019 | 0 Comentarios

Industrial Burners for a District Heating | Combustion equipmentE & M Combustion has supplied a burner for a District Heating in an area of ​​the town of Kladovo, Serbia, which has 20,635 inhabitants. This thermal power plant generates heat for the supply of hot water and heating to the users.  

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