
E&M Combustion power its burners manufacturing strategy

Posted on: 26 / 10 / 2015 | 0 Comentarios | Tags: , , , , , ,

máquina laser para fabricacion de quemadoresE & M Combustion has proceeded to power its burners manufacturing strategy by expanding its production hall in Vizcaya, with an additional area of 1,000 square meters. The new burner manufacturing area is equipped with a laser machine of 4 x 2 meters and a cylinder for bending sheet metal. It also incorporates the installation of new more efficient welding machines, a new crane and vertical drilling system.

Burners manufacturing strategy

Both the expansion of the production area as the incorporation of new machinery serve the purpose of E&M Combustion for optimizing and controlling production processes within the company, thus ensuring a more accurate quality control. On the other hand, we have reduced delivery time which is key to provide optimum service to some customers in certain countries.

“Our philosophy in E&M combustion is to create equipment and designs adapted to the needs of the client, for which we develop technology of burners with low pollutant emissions that allow, at the same time, important energy savings “. In our production line we develop from low temperature burners to high temperature burners, biomass and air vein and burners for ATEX and NEC areas, as well as combustion equipment  “to measure ” in collaboration with the customer for different Applications in the industry.

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